Education groups at primary level have joined forces to form the National Alliance for Primary Education. The National Alliance for Primary Education comprises management, parents, teachers and principals. The aim of the Alliance is to call on the government to halt plans to cut primary education in this year’s budget. We are asking for your support in lobbying your local and national representatives to protect Primary Education and Class Size. You can use the following link to email your TDs: CLICK HERE TO EMAIL YOUR LOCAL TDs
The National Alliance believes that any attempt to bluntly cut primary education is essentially a direct attack on children and their constitutional right to education. The group believes that the children of today and tomorrow should not be forced to pay for the country’s current financial troubles.
The National Alliance is urging Government to leave primary education alone so it can continue to support national recovery. All the education partners question how schools can equip today’s generation for tomorrow if they are drained of vital resources.
Primary schools cannot play their role in prevention of learning difficulties through early intervention if they can barely keep their doors open. Cuts to primary education are short-sighted, represent bad value for money and will have devastating consequences for Irish society. The National Alliance for Primary Education is calling on schools, teachers, parents, communities and the people of Ireland, to stand together and resist these cuts and protect primary education for our children.
A postcard campaign targeted at TDs is being organised by the National Alliance and is to start this week. All schools have been informed of the campaign against the cuts and postcards will be sent to schools. Families of primary school children will be asked to send the postcards to all their TDs urging them to resist cuts to primary education in the budget.
The National Alliance for Primary Education includes Church of Ireland Board of Education, Catholic Primary Schools Management Association, Educate Together, An Foras Patrunachta, Gaelscoileanna, Irish National Teachers’ Organisation, Irish Primary Principals Network, National Association of Boards of Management in Special Education and the National Parents’ Council – Primary.