Today was Mad Hair Day in Scoil Ursula. We all tried our very maddest of hairstyles in school and had so much fun showing off our creations with all of our friends! Thanks so much to all of the mums and dads who helped in making this a really crazy Mad Hair Day! All of the generous donations raised today are going to our charity partner, Children Helping Children. You can read all about their work with poor children throughout the world here: We hope you all have a really really Happy Easter and enjoy the relaxing break! As always our heartfelt thanks to the pupils, parents, staff and Board of Scoil Ursula for all of your hard work and support in making the school as fantastic we all know it is! |
Comhgairdeas le gach dalta a ghlac páirt sna Comórtaisí Gaeilge ar an Satharn seo caite. Bhí gach duine ar fheabhas. Bhuaigh siad a lán duaiseanna! Táimid an-bhródúil astu! Maith sibh!!
Níl Róisín as rang a trí sa ghriangraf.
Ar an Aoine seo caite bhí Lá Ghlas sa scoil. Bhí gach duine gléasta in éadaí glasa. Chuir muid ceolchoirm den chéad scoth ar siúl ar maidin. Bhí amhráin, dánta, rince, ceol agus dramaíocht againn. Bhí gach dalta ar fheabhas agus bhain muid uilig sult as an tsiamsa. San iarnóin bhí tráth na gceist ag Ranganna 3-6. bhí ceathrar i ngach foireann. Bhuaigh foireann Orán, ciara, olan agus Niamh. Bhí an Lá Glas ar fheabhas! Tá a lán daltaí ó Scoil Ursula páirteach i bhFeis Shligigh sna Comórtaisí Gaeilge, amárach. Tá siad ag cleachtach go dian le trí mhí anuas agus tá an scoil uilig an-bhrídúil astu.
Níl Ryan, Saoirse ná Ella i Rang a 5 sa ghriangraf. Go neirí an tádh libh go léir amárach a pháistí!! Congratulations to our Girls 5-a-Side Soccer Team who finished runners-up in this year’s competition in the Regional Sports Complex. Led by inspirational captain, Deborah Farrell, they topped their group with a draw against Mercy Primary and a big win over Grange NS. This put them into the final against St. John’s NS, Ballisodare. Despite the girls' best efforts, they went down 3-1 in a very tight decider and the winners will now go on to represent Sligo in the Connacht Finals. Our girls were presented with their medals by members of the Sligo Rovers Football Team led by midfielder and FAIS Co-ordinator, John Russell.
Comhghairdeas d'fhoireann Scoil Ursula a bhain amach an tríú háit i dTráth na gCeist Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann i mBaile an Mhóta i rith Seachtain na Gaeilge. Maith shibh a Aga, Niamh, Darragh & Jimmy agus míle buíochas le múinteoir Bríd Ní Reannacháin a d'ullmhaigh an foireann dúinn!!!.
Congratulations to all of the boys and girls who won awards for Student of the Month
and Hand-Writer of the Month for February. Maith sibh go léir!! Monthly Motto: "Practice Acceptance!! Some things just are! Accept and move on!!" |
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