We will be marking the event in Scoil Ursula in a number of ways throughout the school culminating with a Prayer Service on Friday. See below the CSW Poster and a letter to parents with some ideas how to mark CSW at home with your children.
The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2016 is: 'Catholic Schools: 'Challenged to Proclaim God's Mercy’. The theme ties in with the Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis for this year and the week runs from Sunday January 31st until February 7th.
We will be marking the event in Scoil Ursula in a number of ways throughout the school culminating with a Prayer Service on Friday. See below the CSW Poster and a letter to parents with some ideas how to mark CSW at home with your children.
Congratulations to the children from 2nd Class who received their First Communion on Sunday. A big thank you to their teachers, Ms Burke & Ms Mitchell and to our SNA, Simone Hickey, for their wonderful work in preparing the children for their special day. Thanks also to our marvellous choir, who enhanced the ceremony so beautifully under the direction of Mr Mitchell and accompanied by Emma Purcell. We are also grateful for the input of our local priest, Fr. Pat. Thanks also to our secretary, Mary Meehan for the beautiful Booklets and to Liam Mc Loughlin for transporting the artwork and adorning the Cathedral for the occasion.
![]() Today is St. Angela's Day. Angela Merici, or Angela de Merici, (21 March 1474 – 27 January 1540) was an Italian religious educator, who is honoured as a saint by the Catholic Church. She founded the Company of St. Ursula in 1535 in Brescia, in which women dedicated their lives to the service of the Church through the education of girls. From this organization later sprang the monastic Order of Ursulines, whose nuns established places of prayer and learning throughout Europe and, later, worldwide, most notably in North America. She died on this day in 1540. Our school patron, Bishop Kevin Doran, has published his first Pastoral Letter entitled ‘A Future Full of Hope’. It will be distributed to all Catholic families in the school during the week. Bishop Kevin is also making the letter available to non-Catholic families who wish to have a copy. If you would like a copy please drop in to Mary’s office or contact her at 0719162835.
The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2014 is: 'Catholic Schools: 'Places of Faith and Learning’. The week will run from Sunday January 26th until February 2nd.
We will be marking the event in Scoil Ursula in a number of ways throughout the school beginning on Monday with a Prayer Service at 10:00am in the Halla. See below the CSW Poster and a letter to parents with some ideas how to mark CSW at home with your children. Well done to our youngest stars of stage, the Junior Infant classes who performed a beautiful uplifting nativity play this morning called "Woops a Daisy Angel". A big thank you to their wonderful teachers, Ms Cogan, Ms Dwyer & Mrs Corcoran who produced and directed this marvellous performance. We also thank our Student Council for their ushering and fund-raising all this week at all our shows. Thanks to them and the generosity of our parents & staff, we raised €750 for the Marcus Moore Trust for Cancer Research and Sligo Social Services. We are grateful to our Chairperson, Marian Moore, (Marcus' mum) and Lisa (his sister) who provided us with spot prizes for our after-show raffles in aid of these worthy causes. Well done to everybody!!! See some pics below and a video snippet. More pics of the other shows to follow :-) ![]() A Festival of Faith will take place in the Sligo Cluster Parishes over the coming week. Commencing on Sunday, May 19th at 7.30 pm. with The Dunmore Parish Choir in St. Patrick's Church, Strandhill and continuing on Monday, May 20th with Festival Opening Mass in the Cathedral at 7.45 pm., assembling in the Peace Park at 7.30pm. Full details in the brochure below: ![]() Angela Merici, or Angela de Merici, (21 March 1474 – 27 January 1540) was an Italian religious leader and saint. She founded the Order of Ursulines in 1535 in Brescia. She named the order after Saint Ursula, an earlier saint to whom she was devoted. We celebrate her feast day on January 27th. Prayer: Saint Angela, you were not afraid of change. You did not let stereotypes keep you from serving. Help us to overcome our fear of change in order to follow God's call and allow others to follow theirs. Amen ![]() Catholic Schools Week 2013: Catholic Schools in the Community of Faith: Sharing the Good News The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2013 is: ‘Catholic Schools in the Community of Faith: Sharing the Good News’. Catholic Schools Week 2013 will be mindful of two major issues for the year 2013 (a) Year of Faith and (b) Share the Good News. The theme of CSW 2013 reflects both. CSW 2013 will begin on Sunday January 27 2013 and end on February 3 2013. We will be marking the event in Scoil Ursula in a number of ways throughout the school beginning on Monday with a Prayer Service at the Mary Garden and culminating in a St. Brigid's Day Assembly on Friday |
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