- Congratulations to the children from 6th Class who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday. It was the first Confirmation ceremony with our new Bishop, Kevin Doran. We wish him well in his ministry in our diocese. A big thank you to our teachers, Mrs Robinson, Ms Carr and Ms Caffrey for their wonderful work in preparing the children for their special day. Thanks also to our marvellous choir, who enhanced the ceremony so beautifully under the direction of Mr Mitchell and accompanied by Emma Purcell and to Sam Purcell for his rendition of a slow air on the tin whistle. We are also grateful for the input of Canon Hever in preparing the children. Thanks also to our secretary, Mary Meehan for the beautiful Booklets and to Liam Mc Loughlin for transporting the artwork and adorning the Cathedral for the occasion. A big thank you to our wonderful Parents Association for their preparation of the post-ceremony party in the Gillooly Hall and their presentations to our teachers, our choir director, our organist and to Garda Pat Conway who was officiating on traffic patrol for the last time before he retires next month. We are very grateful to Pat for the years of service to Scoil Ursula as a Community Garda. You will be missed!!