An individual ant cannot survive without its colony.
Ants have lived on the Earth for more than 100 million years.
Ants are related to wasps.
Ants live in organized communities called colonies.
Ants smell with their antennae.
Ants can hear with their legs.
Ants are near-sighted.
Ants can bite, sting, and spray their enemies with chemicals.
Ants can walk upside down.
Ants are very neat and clean.
Ants do not have lungs, and they have tiny brains.
Ants do not have lungs, and they have tiny brains.
An ant’s worst enemy is another ant. Some ant colonies have
huge wars in which thousands of ants rip one another to pieces.
Ants are strong. They can carry food 5 times greater than their
own weight or drag items 25 times heavier.
Ants like hot and humid climates, like the tropics.
Worker ants are all female.
Male ants don’t do any work in the colony. They live a short time
and their only job is to mate with young queens.
When an ant dies it simply falls over. The other ants ignore it
until it starts to rot. Then they pick it up, and carry it out of the
We have discovered lots of interesting facts about ants.