Can you remember how many bones we have in our body?
Can you name any bones?
What does the skeleton do for us?
Dictionary Time
Vertebrates - Creatures with a back bone.
Joints - A joint is where two bones meet.
Brittle - Breaks very easily. Not very strong.
Characteristics - What makes something different from something else.
Contract and relax - Get tight and then loosen.
Exoskeleton – Bones outside the body.
Muscles - Are attached to bones. They make bones move by contracting and relaxing
Skeleton - Is made up of 206 bones that support your body and protects your organs.
Invertebrates - Creatures without a back bone
Calcium - Helps to build strong bones.
Play this skeleton game to help you remember where all the bones are in the body.
Check out this powerpoint about Skeletons
Can you label the skeleton
Haunted House