Our projects based on The Romans created using Adobe Spark. Find a project, then copy and paste the link into the search bar. Enjoy!
We have had a very good start to Third Class. We welcomed Molly Kerlin to Scoil Ursula and to our class. Molly is from County Derry. We hope she is settling in well. Molly was Student of the Month in September and Grainne O'Hara was Student of the Month in October.
So, what have we done to date? We did some beautiful creative Art, we had lots of breathless activity in P.E, and we even started playing the tin whistle! In Maths we are working on Multiplication so we have been playing Loop Games to help us to recall the Tables. It was with excitement and delight that we welcomed Barney, the long-eared owl, last Friday. He will be a great help to us as we do our research on owls in Science. We hope he enjoys his visit to our class and thanks to Ms. Branley for letting him visit us. We are really trying to improve our joined handwriting and to present our written work neatly. We have to remember to use a margin, line, date and title on every written activity. Orán Costello was Hand writer of the Month in September and Connor Flynn was Hand writer of the Month in October. Some children have started Scrapbooks where they write their extra research every week. Well Done to those children for their excellent work. Here are some photos of our life in Third Class so far. We were very busy during the month of June. We did lots of revision and tests! We had a drumming workshop with Peter Krann. We went to Sligo Abbey. We had a great Sports Day and we did a lot of physical activity to try to get the Active Flag. We did some lovely Artwork. Some of us took part in the Talent Show. Well done to Jillian and Aoibhe who were winners! We spent lots of money at Mission Day!
Sadly we said goodbye to Jillian last week and to Barney the Owl and 6th Class today. Tomorrow we will say goodbye to Mrs. Corcoran, Ms. Branley, and Zahra. We even said goodbye to our classroom today because we had to empty it out as it is to be extended over the summer holidays. Phew!!. We are ready to enjoy our holidays!! We said goodbye to Barney the Owl today! His owner Ms Branley is leaving Scoil Ursula and sadly so is Barney. Barney kept us company for most of the year. We really enjoyed having him. Thank you Ms Branley for letting Barney stay in our classroom this year and we wish you good luck as you leave Scoil Ursula.
We wish Zahra the very best of luck in her new school in London in September. We will miss you Zahra!
We were very sad to see our good friend and classmate of the past 3 years leave us today. Jillian sets off for her native America tomorrow with her family. We wish her the very best of luck in her new school in the U.S.A. next year. We will really miss you because you were a great friend and a special girl.
February 2019
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